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Hydroelectricity: Blocked rivers threaten livelihood of Brazilian tribes

"Plans to build more than 200 hydroelectric dams bring prospect of cheap electricity but destruction of Amazon habitats"

Category: Energy sources


Cree aboriginal group to join London climate camp protest over tar sands

"Canadian First Nations seek to highlight UK's 'criminal' role in CO2-heavy oil schemes"

Category: Energy sources


US Air Force prepares drones to end era of fighter pilots

"As part of an expanding programme of battlefield automation, the US Air Force has said it is now training more drone operators than fighter and bomber pilots and signalled the end of the era of the fighter pilot is in sight."

Category: Weapons, Robotics


Green energy hit by 'faceless Nimbys'

"Last month, the government announced plans to boost the green energy sector, yet within weeks Vestas UK, the UK's only manufacturer of wind turbine blades, closed its plant on the Isle of Wight. The Report's Simon Cox examines...

Category: Energy sources


Life on the nuclear shortlist

What might be the impact on local people in areas where the government proposes to build new nuclear power plants?

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1031 to 1035 out of 2977